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équipe U15 mixte

4. Carla Wampach 7. Cliff Wagner  12. Aylan Do Rosario Nascimento Mota   16. Laura Tempels 24. Luna Ribeiro 35. Lara Correia Martins 44. Andy Mergen  Coach: Lison Stoffel

13.10.24 11:00 GYM U15 mixte 1 V80P U15 mixte 1 0:3 ( 21:25 23:25 16:25 )
19.10.24 17:30 V80P U15 mixte 1 RSRW U15 mixte 1 0:3 ( 16:25 21:25 8:25 )
10.11.24 16:00 VCB U15 mixte 1 V80P U15 mixte 1 0:3 ( 22:25 9:25 14:25 )
17.11.24 15:00 V80P U15 mixte 1 VCBIS U15 mixte 1 0:3 ( 9:25 19:25 16:25 )
01.12.24 16:00 VCSTE U15 mixte 1 V80P U15 mixte 1 0:3 ( 0:25 0:25 0:25 )
12.01.25 17:00 V80P U15 mixte 1 GYM U15 mixte 1 1:3 ( 25:18 19:25 21:25 21:25 )
01.02.25 17:00 RSRW U15 mixte 1 V80P U15 mixte 1 Hall Omnisports Prince Henri Walferdange (Ancien/T. Central)
01.03.25 14:00 V80P U15 mixte 1 VCB U15 mixte 1 Centre Sportif Bim Diederich Pétange (Terrain Central)
22.03.25 00:00 VCBIS U15 mixte 1 V80P U15 mixte 1 Hall Sportif Bissen (Terrain Central)
29.03.25 00:00 V80P U15 mixte 1 VCSTE U15 mixte 1 Centre Sportif Bim Diederich Pétange (Terrain Central)
14.01.2025 13:06

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[U15 mixte A] U15 Mixte Poule A

1. RSRW U15 mixte 1651 15
2. VCBIS U15 mixte 1651 15
3. V80P U15 mixte 1633 9
4. GYM U15 mixte 1624 6
5. VCSTE U15 mixte 1514 3
6. VCB U15 mixte 1514 3

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More detailed rankings can be found on

équipe U15 filles

61. Milla Wagner 62. Cloé Sita Cavallini 63. Korina Rezic 64. Lena Zuidberg
05.10.24 14:00 VCF U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 0:3 ( 12:25 14:25 15:25 )
19.10.24 17:30 V80P U15 F 1 VBE U15 F 1 3:0 ( 25:5 25:8 25:8 )
10.11.24 15:30 GYM U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 0:3 ( 4:25 9:25 7:25 )
24.11.24 15:00 V80P U15 F 1 VCB U15 F 1 3:0 ( 25:15 25:5 25:13 )
30.11.24 14:00 EVBC U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 0:3 ( 1:25 12:25 11:25 )
08.12.24 14:00 V80P U15 F 1 VCS U15 F 1 2:3 ( 19:25 21:25 25:23 25:13 10:15 )
18.01.25 14:00 VCM U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 Hall Sportif "Nicolas Frantz" Mamer (Terrain Central)
02.02.25 13:30 V80P U15 F 1 VCF U15 F 1 Centre Sportif Bim Diederich Pétange (Terrain Central)
01.03.25 16:00 VBE U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 Echternach am Bréil
22.03.25 00:00 V80P U15 F 1 GYM U15 F 1 Centre Sportif Bim Diederich Pétange (Terrain Central)
29.03.25 00:00 VCB U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 Hall Sportif Belair (Terrain Central)
26.04.25 00:00 V80P U15 F 1 EVBC U15 F 1 Centre Sportif Bim Diederich Pétange (Terrain Central)
03.05.25 00:00 VCS U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 Hall Omnisports Strassen (Terrain Central)
10.05.25 00:00 VCM U15 F 1 V80P U15 F 1 Hall Sportif "Nicolas Frantz" Mamer (Terrain Central)
17.01.2025 17:47

Data provided by FLVB/SAMS, module developed by MEDIA4ALL/
More detailed match data and reports can be found on

[U15 F 1] U15 Filles 1

1. VCS U15 F 1660 17
2. V80P U15 F 1651 16
3. VCF U15 F 1541 12
4. VCM U15 F 1642 12
5. VCB U15 F 1734 8
6. EVBC U15 F 1514 4
7. VBE U15 F 1615 3
8. GYM U15 F 1707 0

Data provided by FLVB/SAMS, module developed by MEDIA4ALL/
More detailed rankings can be found on